@putop9hotmailcom His father did not found Parkour O.o I read the stuff on his and his father a while back on wiki. Go check. I’m not here to argue XD It’s just what I’ve read man.
@NightRider2k8 are you crazy??? the man who invented parkour was david’s belle father during the war. it wasn’t yamakasi and for the record parkour wasnt invented, the name was invented not the sport!
parkour is outdoor gymnastics
Oh and for the record. This video is NOT fake. Entirely… The flips and tricks they do are real but in some parts of the clips the “ball” is fake, it can be easily done using editing software. So for instance, 0:20 – 0:24 is completely real However. 0:16 – 0:17 Is fake.. notice before he really does kick the ball.. but after that its a fake. Also the same with he next clip. Even if im wrong with those 2 clips.. I know what i said still stands.
lol Yamakasi Football makes no sense XD Yamakasi is the name of the group who invented parkour including David Belle and it loosely translates into “Strong Body”, “Strong Person”, “Strong Spirit”
@BiZinatChos I know Team Ryouko when i see them .. This video is named ”Team Ryouko fifa street 3” on their hommepage !!
@blogzify Of course, ’cause they can’t animate anything, now can they?
it is team ryouko
just search for team ryouko fifa
Fake as fucking hell, but it’s funny to watch
lol, the funne of this is that the kiddos that comment that this is fake thats the funny, because when they make a game like fifa street, and games like that.
they need ppl to do the tricks that they do in the game, u noobs tought they just programmed them to do it? lol. loosers
@Snowboy1997 Dipshit, it’s a commercial spot for Fifa Street, and it’s definitely NOT Team Ryouko.
@pantus6 because of physics you idiot. been playing professional myself but wouldnt really have to too see this vid is fake, if anyone claim otherwise they must be quite naive.
@xDarkxJonx Fake ?! Its fucking Team Ryouko ! The best tricking team ever !
Most of it is fake, but some of it isn’t. O_o
@jorgen4 So you agree that they can do it, But still say its fake. Man
@pantus6 dude, im not saying that this is impossible, sure they can do it if they train it alot, but THIS video is FAKE!
This was just made for a commercial for fifa street 3.
@jorgen4 You say he in red are retard becouse he realy cant see where the ball comes from, yea right.
At 0:11, Why cant ppl do this if they have train on it for many years. Stand no place that this not is possible.
@pantus6 well at 0:06 you see the guy in red “jumping after the ball” he is acting like all the others that the ball is there, ony thing is that this time the editors desided that they wanted the ball to go in a driffrent diraction..
0:11 you most be an fucking retard to not see that that “ball” is fake..
only things that isnt fake is 0:23-0:25 and the neckstall at 0:29
lol its fake yes , idd this can be made be adobe programs alrdy very easy .. to bad its a fake or else its woulbe be awesome soccer^^
@jorgen4 How in bloody hell can you see if an Ball fly wrong? lolz
@pantus6 yes it is fake. You can see it on the ball movement and such. I fucking hate when people cant see when shit is fake…
@jorgen4 Why aint this real?…
So say that this is impossible, Just becouse ppl are bether then you are dosent mean its fake >.<
Awesome :D.
Get the kick from 0:47 in your face and i tink you lie there lol.
holy fuck that was amazing!!!
@putop9hotmailcom His father did not found Parkour O.o I read the stuff on his and his father a while back on wiki. Go check. I’m not here to argue XD It’s just what I’ve read man.
@NightRider2k8 are you crazy??? the man who invented parkour was david’s belle father during the war. it wasn’t yamakasi and for the record parkour wasnt invented, the name was invented not the sport!
parkour is outdoor gymnastics
Oh and for the record. This video is NOT fake. Entirely… The flips and tricks they do are real but in some parts of the clips the “ball” is fake, it can be easily done using editing software. So for instance, 0:20 – 0:24 is completely real However. 0:16 – 0:17 Is fake.. notice before he really does kick the ball.. but after that its a fake. Also the same with he next clip. Even if im wrong with those 2 clips.. I know what i said still stands.
lol Yamakasi Football makes no sense XD Yamakasi is the name of the group who invented parkour including David Belle and it loosely translates into “Strong Body”, “Strong Person”, “Strong Spirit”
@BiZinatChos I know Team Ryouko when i see them .. This video is named ”Team Ryouko fifa street 3” on their hommepage !!
@blogzify Of course, ’cause they can’t animate anything, now can they?
it is team ryouko
just search for team ryouko fifa
Fake as fucking hell, but it’s funny to watch
lol, the funne of this is that the kiddos that comment that this is fake thats the funny, because when they make a game like fifa street, and games like that.
they need ppl to do the tricks that they do in the game, u noobs tought they just programmed them to do it? lol. loosers
@Snowboy1997 Dipshit, it’s a commercial spot for Fifa Street, and it’s definitely NOT Team Ryouko.
@pantus6 because of physics you idiot. been playing professional myself but wouldnt really have to too see this vid is fake, if anyone claim otherwise they must be quite naive.
@xDarkxJonx Fake ?! Its fucking Team Ryouko ! The best tricking team ever !
Most of it is fake, but some of it isn’t. O_o
@jorgen4 So you agree that they can do it, But still say its fake. Man
@pantus6 dude, im not saying that this is impossible, sure they can do it if they train it alot, but THIS video is FAKE!
This was just made for a commercial for fifa street 3.
@jorgen4 You say he in red are retard becouse he realy cant see where the ball comes from, yea right.
At 0:11, Why cant ppl do this if they have train on it for many years. Stand no place that this not is possible.
@pantus6 well at 0:06 you see the guy in red “jumping after the ball” he is acting like all the others that the ball is there, ony thing is that this time the editors desided that they wanted the ball to go in a driffrent diraction..
0:11 you most be an fucking retard to not see that that “ball” is fake..
only things that isnt fake is 0:23-0:25 and the neckstall at 0:29
lol its fake yes , idd this can be made be adobe programs alrdy very easy .. to bad its a fake or else its woulbe be awesome soccer^^
@jorgen4 How in bloody hell can you see if an Ball fly wrong? lolz
@pantus6 yes it is fake. You can see it on the ball movement and such. I fucking hate when people cant see when shit is fake…
@jorgen4 Why aint this real?…
So say that this is impossible, Just becouse ppl are bether then you are dosent mean its fake >.<
Awesome :D.
Get the kick from 0:47 in your face and i tink you lie there lol.
this is faker then your moms boobs