World Cup of Table Soccer 2009
Tom Yore of the USA and France’s Paul Nunes confronted-off in this enjoyable singles confrontation during a massive Planet Cup quarterfinal. To view the full France vs. USA match go to and purchase the 10 hour DVD set.
Video Score: 4 / 5
pfff they’re allowed to spin them around.. How lame.. That’s for girls, if you can’t get enough speed/power with your own wrist by turning it, then you’re very low on the “wanna play fussball?” meter
Kicker-Tischfussball Deutscher Meister
lol this is so boring.
games with my friends are so intense and fun and this is just… meh
hello i have a question. on my foosball table the ball has no grip, every time i try to pinch the ball it shoots out of grip, any tips? ( i use cork balls and the players haver box shaped foots)
As the terrible foosball player I am, I use the back and fourth technique to feel I’m somewhat protecting my goal (while not xD) and it keeps my hand warmed up. My main technique is to have the goalkeeper mostly on one side of the goal, and when they shoot, I rapidly pull it to the other side, trying to time with the shot, so instead of doing a frontal block, kinda do it on a more diagonal/lateral basis. Since I don’t play with pros, I have a fair success rate with this xD
what kind of tables do they play on?
WTF! so do these guys get dropped off at the local Y or boys and girls club after birth. geeesh.
nooooo mamessss… como hacen esa madre???
I’d like to see this with a 1 second rule on holding the ball. It’s dull when players just wait to shoot, watching the defense wobble. A 1 second max would make this all go so much faster and more interestingly.
excited game. i like it
excite game. i like it
JEEZ, foosball is supposed to be fun, with youre friends. All the fun is just gone here.
@Rodnox fit for foosball thats like being fit at scratching your arse
@Beepbeepoutoftheway for your information the defense isnt random , its actually very strategic, do some research into foosball defense
I don’t play the game at all but I looked it up that it is illegal to spin more than once on a shot. But shouldn’t any backwards spin shots be illegal? It’s not like people flip backwards when they kick a ball in real life….
These dudes look do fuckin phoney with thierlame assexcitement.They probably got water and rags, Trainers and Wrist bands and shit. They got skills, but C’mon Man!
Why do they use different tables?
whats nerdish about that game ? o_O
haha nerds
wtf 2:24
These guys are pros but they are also primarily offensive players. In doubles you can see many players who primarily focus on defense. Those players, while perhaps appearing to “randomly go back and forth” are in fact carefully and strategically placing their men in certain spots, often to bait a shot, which they quickly close up and steal the ball.
untimate tactic…
dive the pool in the the opposing players groin region
easy win
this is way boring than i expected. | like playing the fast way bang thats it this is slow as shit..