World Cup Crime in South Africa, Durban
Australia’s Channel seven studies on crime in South Africa. The news report follows South African police across Durban as they raid premises searching for weapons. Far more than 50 folks are murdered on South Africa every day. The story by reporter Mike Duffy previews what visitors to the nation will find when they arrive for the football Entire world Cup 2010.
Listen all South Africans….am I the only one that will not stand for this crap??? Racism is the past, Democracy is the future…we need progression, not regression…we are human beings, not animals. The factor that seperates us from the apes is our ability to reason, not play childish games like : Im white ur black, im not going to talk to you. After the age of 12 we begin maturing…howver it seems some mature at a slower pace, or even dont mature at all!!!
@catatonicable yes mate….they only want to kill Australians…….go hide blokes, we dont want to see u around anyway, if you feel so unsafe, dont come…simple as that! dont cry behind that safe little corner you call paradise…live in tents…we dont give a shit. BTW FYI i would think a hotel room would be alot safer than a friggen tent…or is it just that u were too late to book lol
my advice would be,when u get to the airport don,t look for a taxi,but yes look for someone with a 9mm up for sale,then look for a taxi
i tell you what ,you go and walk in west street ,smith street ,or point street ,or the “beautiful main beach and let’s see what will happen to you….stop miss informed the innocent tourists mate ,they will die id they take the wrong way by accident there and you know that.
Ex detective inspector serious & violent crime unit durban
@EndZonian Listen buddy, obviously i want tourism to increase, but this is not why i write this. 200 arrests a night is not accurate…this is a racial battle and that is truly frowned apon. Indirecty this vid says…becareful white people, the blacks will kill you!!! That is total and utter crap. Have you ever been to Durban mate? Didnt think so…
@herbertwarmstrong They are forced to live real lives with equal opportunities as black people and are no longer served on a golden platter! My last words…stay where you are, we dont need your childish racist attitude in our beautifull nation! Thanks for leaving!
Gees i live here and i like it, if you dont screw you. The 2010 FIFA world cup was a huge success and has shown South Africas TRUE colours…a beautifull nation unique in its unity! Here we live happy, black, white, brown and everything in between. White does not = safe. Black does not = Dangerous. When racist people see colour @herbertwarmstrong they become afraid as they are thrown out of their fantasy world of ivory only.
Is There Any Guy From Durben PLease Contact Me

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It’s Same as Lyke Lyari..
I wish To Go there.
Add Me Durban Black Guys
@LESHAVDILRAJ when i lived in south africa in the 1980, durban was white and safe. now all i see are black drug dealers… no white person will feel safe in streets full of blacks… that is a fact.
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It does give raw numbers. I don’t know where you live Leshavdilraj but 200 arrests a night is out of control. And this is not a new story. This has been known for years and should have costs South Africa the privilege of hosting the world cup. You obviously want tourism to S. Africa to increase. My only question is are you a business man or a thug?
If i came to freakin australia (Bleh!) and followed the police im obviously going to witness some crime, but i dont expect that to be a true reflection of your country!
Wake up, smell the coffee and stop being so freakin childish!
This report shows Durban in the most negative way possible! Obviously if you look for shit your gonna find it! For freakin sakes ur following the police! They are only around when theres danger! I live in Durban and have never once been a victim of crime! Why does this report not show Durbans Beautifull beachefronts and upmarket hotspots???? What about the tropical weather and blurring mix of people going about their lives?????
The Aussies need to stay away from dodgy areas,about a 1000 have opted to stay in tent town not far from this shit, the biggest criminals are the police, not all ofcourse.