World Cup bid: See you in Russia in 2018?
Russia’s been heading all out to win the football world cup bid for 2018 or 2022. Inspectors from the game’s governing system FIFA have wrapped up their tour across the region, assessing whether it really should be chosen to host the tournament.
RUSSIA No.1 :-)))
i dont care what country your from, a country is meerly a bordered line, marking territory, and people become so angry over that! im not congratulating russia. i am congratulating all of eastern europe, all of the slavic people, because the the people that matter, not the country.
@PyrimidKingJindai Thank you
It just makes me angry that the instant reaction of English people is to insult the winning country which they know very little about besides the stereotypes of vodka and the Cold War. But I also dislike non-English people’s assumption that all English people are like this. Yes, I hope I can go to Russia and watch it too, I love Russia, it’s beautiful 
@AlinaAnn this is why i like people like you, im happy that your one the few english people who didnt complain about their loss, and i might be going to russia around that time
Congratulation the GREAT RUSSIA
Congratulation the GREAT RUSSIA
FIFA’s MO is to spread the game! This takes precedence over fancy economics and moving emotional speeches from the famed and famous. So, in effect, the only country that could have oust Russia/Qatar’s bid, did not put forward a bid at all. China.
@RedHotSock what the hell are you talking about, you clearly don’t know anything about economics. Congrats to Russia, but your argument makes no sense.
Only racists in comments
@b1naqm28 ps. you would have to invade Florida to fuck Anna Kournikova in the ass
@b1naqm28 go ahead…I’m American. As matter of fact my mothers family is French Canadian.
Canadian (French) and Polish in a military campaign LMFAO which one surrenders first?
and my comment about canada crushing you in 2014 wasnt sarcastic at all hehehe
@b1naqm28 it was being fucking sarcastic you retard.
what alexandre le grand has to do with it ?
he died in india !!
@b1naqm28 what the fuck does that have to do anything?
@liamwitdre Well than if you don’t give a fuck why are you (And Englishman) trolling a Russian video on them beating you for the World Cup. I’m watching it because I watch RussiaToday. yea…you really don’t care about your country loosing the world cup.
@vorjay I know your American, Just to let you know i couldn’t give a shit about FiFA either? It’s not European, it’s world football… i thought the clue was in the fucking title you moron. Thanks for sharing your feelings about the English but i might add.. i don’t give a fuck you insecure little cretin.
@liamwitdre I’m American, I could give a shit of European football. That’s the great think that makes me laugh…we lost too but most people would be like…whats FIFA? Oh that soccer game by EA Sports.
I just don’t like the English. I really don’t…you have the arrogance and superiority complex of us Americans but you’re also have little person syndrome too.
@vorjay have you won it?
@b1naqm28 Russia is racist, a Mafia state, they all have secret meeting in which they make child sacrifices, they killed Litvenenko…hell they even murdered Alexander the Great in India on his way to Alexandria Egypt……and there still hosting the 2014 Olympics and 2018 World Cup so get over it.
@liamwitdre boo-hooo you lost the world cup.
@GEOBOBCA Oh, yeaahh!!! You are scared, baby?
@GEOBOBCA hey georgian bitch, shut up and go wash your Russian master’s toilet.
russia is impire of evil!!!