United States fans reaction on Last Second Goal[Donovan] World Cup vs Algeria
United States enthusiasts reaction on Planet Cup vs Algeria
Video clip Rating: four / 5
United States enthusiasts reaction on Planet Cup vs Algeria
Video clip Rating: four / 5
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Love to see the gringos finally got hooked with the beautiful game, its really nice to share also with them that passion. Respectfully, may you be welcome, neighbors from your best foe. Look forward to meet that growing affectation of yours at the Copa de Oro. Viva Mexico!!
and let soccer dominate the basketbolized and baseballized north amerikan kountry, little by little, goal by goal.
Bienvenidos americanos a lo belissimo mundo del futbol! Welcome to the wonderworld of football!
@kongakongabanana Lol, yes!!
Now maybe you can understand why Suarez handball that ball in Uruguay ghana match
@kabong1981 I watched the goal happen live, and the emotions I felt cannot be described. I thought we were going to be eliminated from the World Cup, my heart was breaking, and then in one moment we won the group, which the USA has not done in 80 years. I was so happy, so filled with emotion. Thanks for your kind words
@hanj31 Absolutely true. I went from a very casual soccer fan to an absolute diehard while watching the World Cup this year. Everyone was brilliant, but Donovan gave us a moment that no one who saw it will ever forget.
Fuck all the Europeans who think we hate soccer.
@hanj31 it’d be even better if we had Rossi.
Every day i ‘ve had seen this. Genuine feeling is very rare today, so thank you americans by this moment. I’m from Brazil.
@EspiaMortal007 el futbol esta creciendo poco a poco en Estados Unidos, con la MLS y los partidos que han habido en los veranos en cuales visitan Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, etc. Luego de la victoria que tuvo E.E.U.U ante espana en el 2009, los americanos se han ido atrayendo mas al futbol.
at last the americans understood the football!!! fuck yeah
Donovan Rules
Annnnnd a disappointing loss to Ghana. Gratz.
What bar is this? Looks like one Ive been to before in Manhattan
No era que los Estadounidenses no les gustaba Mucho el Fútbol?… Ja ja ja Que Pasión y entusiasmo¡.
Para que ven el Fútbol es pasión que mueve masas en TODO EL PUTO UNIVERSO. Saludos.
@Helmut83 He’s a photographer waiting for reactions, and you spelled Negro wrong dumb-ass.
@dbvds hahahaahh aha
you gotta love that Grandma man! HAHA GO USA
love the grandma reaction
Why is the negroe with the cap looking backwards?
I was lucky enough to be at the FIFA Fan Fest in Rome, never had as much fun in my life then at that moment
Yes, I did see that. Well, if you watch closely at 0:30, guy with glasses gets bonked in the back of the head by the dude behind him. I think that’s what prompts him to try the high-fiving and chanting. Again, sorry guy with glasses, but not only do you get bonked in the head, but no one wants to high-five nor chant with you.
Lol, when I read your first comment I bust up laughing but looking back he did get his high-fives; 0:30, two at 0:35, 0:46, 0:48. At the end though with the chant…that was pretty awkward especially how he put his hands toward his face lol.
Watch him again at 1:07. Trying to keep the USA chant going, to no avail.
Again, sorry guy with glasses, no one wants to chant with you.