Thierry Henry’s Hand Of God Part II
A news report on France’s controversial victory more than Ireland in Paris that knocked the Irish out of the soccer World Cup. Thierry Henry clearly handles the ball twice.
Video clip Rating: 4 / five
A news report on France’s controversial victory more than Ireland in Paris that knocked the Irish out of the soccer World Cup. Thierry Henry clearly handles the ball twice.
Video clip Rating: 4 / five
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@cradleoflinkinpark KARMA is a bitch!!
It’s alrite when Richard dunne is always getting sent off for tackles, or when Roy Keane needlessly ends players careers, let’s be honest France did crap in the WC but Ireland wud of done worse and would of just embarrased themselves.
press 1: gay france
press 2: balding
press 3: let
press 4:and
press 5: this shit
he likes to give blowjob….
sweet sweet karma
If it was Robbie Keane I’m sure the irish wouldn’t give a shit as they would be in the world cup finals, when I look at the first replay it looked way too fast for the ref to see.
@TroyDouglas917 Yeh but to be far we all have a go at germany for the disallowed goal (Even though it was the linesman) and they won 4-1 so it would have been 4-2. I do see why we would of gone out more balanced but lets be honest Germany was a greater team and We was a better team in 1966 so its far.
anyone would do it for their own country. anyone.
@gunafella i agree im irish its not henrys fault its fifas and frances fault 4 not giving us a replay
@aliandartan you cant even speak english n i dont tink we r bettr tn france but tat game sud have gone 2 penos
@owl2366 sadly we are a neutral nation. We only serve peacekeeping missions. As painful as it is to admit, France got through unpenalised.
here twats shutit nobody watch the fuckin macth nae wonder am scotish so fuck off ireland are shite they r jealous bacause they are better than them
ok, check out this scenario. instead of henry handling the ball, robbie keane is one-on-one and a defender clearly fouls him in the penalty box…would you say the defender is a cheat? wont you blame it on the ref? is that offence the same as handling the ball? and isnt it the same drive for victory that drove the defender to bring down the player on purpose? yall need to shut the fuck up! HENRY IS A LEGENG- end of story
@34ytrhtrghrf no it makes it so much worse cos we wud have had alot more to offer the world cup wit our fighting heart and brilliant fans
well if it makes you irish a little better france where shit this world cup
@MeLlamoEddie Not really. I met Henry on the streets here in NYC and he loves it here. No one calls him a monkey or racist names like they did in Europe. We love him here and he does too.
henry u are still scum

not right
the 3:2 for england give west germany the last .
without this goal west germany would win against england
@TroyDouglas917 Erm, not really. They scored the 4th in the final minute on a counter attack when Germany were up and attacking.
If Henry really cared he would have dribbled the ball into his own net. Lol jp. I miss you Henry!!! Come back to Arsenal! I know your bored in NY
Iralend is the most ungrateful nation ever!! Get over it fucking idiots. Henry did mistake but i see you guys running straight to referee to say him.. I´m cheating bastard that goal shouldn´t be applied!!! Fuck you” And i don´t even like France….
Why so many judges Thierry Henry did not realize you think he is one of the best players in the world he is known for its big awards because it one-handed judge, this is ridiculous.
visit my channel and view my vids they are like this sort of stuff.
no, it was the 3:2, the game was changed, it would have been 2:2 and england would have lost in penalties
Maradona’s was worse.