Ghana vs. Uruguay 2010 World Cup Quarter Finals
Ghana played Uruguay in the Quarter Finals of the 2010 World Cup. If Ghana had won, it would have been the furthest an African team had produced it in the Cup’s 80-year background. I watched the game from the Fan Park in Durban, South Africa. Verify out my weblog on Soccer and Africa: Canadian journalist Anjali Nayar will travel across Africa by train, bus and foot (and when required by plane), and will arrive in South Africa just prior to the Planet Cup. Along the way, Anjali will inform the continent’s stories through its favourite activity: soccer. For the trip, Anjali will deliver only the essentials on her back (digital camera, flip video clip, computer) and in her hand — a soccer ball. Each and every day, Anjali will play soccer, regardless of whether she’s on the beaches of Accra or stuck in one of Lagos’ impenetrable visitors jams. Occasionally she’ll play with young children in the sprawling slums and refugee camps, other times she’ll play with adults in the abundant diplomatic quarters of significant metropolitan areas. By way of her Vacation spot: South Africa website, Anjali hopes viewers will find out Africa and what the Earth Cup and the game of soccer implies to the continent.