Russia take the football World Cup 2018
Russia will host for 2018 Planet Cup! Чемпионат мира — 2018 пройдёт в России В четверг, two декабря, в Цюрихе прошли презентации четырёх заявок на проведение чемпионата мира 2018 года. Были представлены заявки Англии, России, а также совместные заявки Бельгии с Голландией и Испании с Португалией. После проведения презентаций 22 члена исполкома ФИФА провели тайное голосование, в ходе которого выбрали страну, в которой пройдёт чемпионат мира 2018 года. Победила заявка России. Подсчёт голосов проводился под наблюдением представителя аудиторской компании KPMG. Russia and Qatar awarded 2018 and 2022 FIFA Planet Cups 2022 FIFA Entire world Cup™ was awarded to Qatar. FIFA President Joseph S. Blatter announced the result of the FIFA Executive Committee’s solution vote on Thursday, 2 December 2010 in Zurich’s Messe. In delighting the victorious nations, the FIFA President also produced a position of praising those who missed out. He mentioned: “I have to say thank you to to the Executive Committee of FIFA because for 2018 and 2022 we go to new lands, since the FIFA Entire world Cup has by no means been in eastern Europe or the Center East. So, I’m a happy President when we speak of the improvement of football. “But I have to give massive compliments to all the bidders for the big work they have done and the messages they have delivered. All have delivered the message that football is a lot more than just a game. Football is not only about winning it is also a school of daily life in which you need to find out to shed, and that is not easy …