SPECIAL1 TV (World Cup EP06 Extended version) Finally, The Final
The additional (sixth) & last instalment from Jose & friends Until finally ???? Until BBC Tv make our desire for a new series for the premier league come true…….till then BE CHAMPIONS
Video clip Rating: 4 / five
Please don’t stop makin videos!!!
I hope BBC carry on …. They are fantastic !
thats so roy keanes attitude …lol …luv it
Hmmmmmm, i think Spain are going to win:)
i remember back when this was on sentanta
i remember back when this was on sentanta
I do have a sneaky feeling for… the DATCH!
great to hear the bit of gaeilge at the end!love it!went to see mario rosentock(maker of this) ladt msy,my sides were sore 2 days after the show from laughing!!
@Doitchampions Alright thanks.
@chimaera01 keep an eye on my front page for latest news on the show (in the info box on the far left side of the page (click on my name)
@Doitchampions So are we gonna be getting more episodes of this? What’s the latest?
selamat malam…
Bring it back full-time! And get it on BBC America, so us Yanks can watch, too.
love love love
Please BBC ! u must sign this up !
selamat malam, lol, i’m here to show that malaysia is not an unknown country by any means
A Premier League version is a must.
sign it up BBC its been a success
@lukamotiv Voyeur was announcing for french tv, by the way Where’s Cabbage?
Do it do it do it BBC! Do you NOT want to be champions?
Got to have it for the new premier league season, absolutely bloody hilarious!!!
on the interweb lol.. luv it
We to connive together like and get this back on for the season next month!
What are you doing?
Don’t you know?
I, am the one.