South Africa World cup 2010 [HD] official anthem South Africa World cup 2010 large high quality video Video Rating: 4 / 5 2010AfricaANTHEMOfficialSouthWorld April 10, 2011 25 Comments admin World Cup
0:36 = ups!
@commentguy69 lol umadbro?
zidane done the best headbut
what the f %ck was he thinkin there ?
1:24 – that was 2006 xD
Best goals compilation>>>> watch?v=dixDh4uBzko&feature=channel_video_title
cant help it 1:54 …. lol
HEY retard you forgot to put south africa world cup 2010 AND 2006 high quality video on your description dumbass!
waka waka forever go shakira
@500philphil uruguayans did the best goals
Football passion, it’s awesome
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this isnt american music u retard. and guess what. just because there is music you dont like doesnt make it american
damn america needs to step up with there music
Very Good quality of video and best anthem forever!!!!
Germany forever
.. Best official anthem everrrrrrrr
0:21 was my favorite part with the sexy brazilian chick ;D thumbs up if you agree
I miss it :S
italia 2006 campione del mondo ****
You Germany Bitch
Niemcy to pały ;P
pause at 0:39 lol
@arispaokful Torsten Frings
german midfielder
thats got to hurt! (0:37)
@500philphil And Spain did the tiki-taka!! Yeah!! World Champions!!
Viva España!!