hi…im Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years ofbeing dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by yourside tonight FOREVER. if you don’t believe it, google my name…you’ll see (ON FACEBOOK)hi…im Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years ofbeing dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by yourside tonight FOREVER. if you don’t believe it, google my name…you’ll see (ON FACEBOOK)
hi…im Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years ofbeing dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by yourside tonight FOREVER. if you don’t believe it, google my name…you’ll see (ON FACEBOOK)
@claire44331 roflmao.
you’re stupid.
hi…im Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years ofbeing dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by yourside tonight FOREVER. if you don’t believe it, google my name…you’ll see (ON FACEBOOK)
fav part 3:04
Shakira really like doing the robot but she is anything but stuff
i understand you
@ROXcyrus because this is the spanish music video with a video rip and audio cover.
is that heidi mntag or….
this sounds like the live version dude
@ROXcyrus coz vevo is evil? O.o
She is HOT!
i would do this if my boyfriend cheats on me
@ROXcyrus because, vevo sucks !
Spanish is always better!
Shakira! I love you!
I love you SHAKIRA!! : ) THE bEST
Love itt!!!!!!! Awsome video
i lvoe shakiras songs.!! who doesnt?
this is my favorite songgg!!!!!<3 wii<3
Super man and batman really?
Well it is a great video!
Super man and Batman really???? Well it is an awsome video!
BUTT stop! BUTT wait! BUTT let me explain! BUTT don’t go!
she’s singing at a live -.-
my sister posted that freak..!!
hi…im Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years ofbeing dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by yourside tonight FOREVER. if you don’t believe it, google my name…you’ll see (ON FACEBOOK)hi…im Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years ofbeing dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by yourside tonight FOREVER. if you don’t believe it, google my name…you’ll see (ON FACEBOOK)
hi…im Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years ofbeing dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by yourside tonight FOREVER. if you don’t believe it, google my name…you’ll see (ON FACEBOOK)
@claire44331 roflmao.
you’re stupid.
hi…im Teresa Fidalgo. Today, i turn 26 years ofbeing dead. if you don’t sendthis to 20 people, i will sleep by yourside tonight FOREVER. if you don’t believe it, google my name…you’ll see (ON FACEBOOK)
fav part 3:04
Shakira really like doing the robot but she is anything but stuff
i understand you
@ROXcyrus because this is the spanish music video with a video rip and audio cover.
is that heidi mntag or….
this sounds like the live version dude
@ROXcyrus coz vevo is evil? O.o
She is HOT!
i would do this if my boyfriend cheats on me
@ROXcyrus because, vevo sucks !
Spanish is always better!
Shakira! I love you!
I love you SHAKIRA!! : ) THE bEST
Love itt!!!!!!! Awsome video
i lvoe shakiras songs.!!
who doesnt?
this is my favorite songgg!!!!!<3 wii<3
Super man and batman really?
Well it is a great video!
Super man and Batman really???? Well it is an awsome video!
BUTT stop! BUTT wait! BUTT let me explain! BUTT don’t go!