Russia Wins! Video of FIFA World Cup 2018 host announcement
RT on Twitter: RT on Facebook: Russia has won the correct to host FIFA Planet Cup in 2018. It was selected Thursday by FIFA’s executive committee above England and joint bids by Spain-Portugal and Netherlands-Belgium. Russia won regardless of the absence of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Zurich. At the very last minute, he declined to make a ultimate pitch for his country.
@englishhiscarl it’s just that the English arnt liked anywhere because of your non existant culture and crybaby tell on people attitude who always critisize everyone for the enjoyment sake!
English people arnt popular, you better start being like the rest you social outkasts
@lloydi11111111 these bastards have more GDP than your country does, and soon it will overtake Germany and be 1st in europe you little cry baby

Infact they can cut off all your oil and electricity and natural gasses and you’ll be living in the stone age again.
I dare you, come to Russia and call anyone “bastard” there, you will get you teeth knocked out, so keep on sucking your queen’s clit homo bitch
money talks to these corrupt bastards, england made football yet we let foreigners run it. what a disgrace, see how many people are robbed in 2018
Russia, Good luck!)
P.S. Don’t listen envius English people
@10NouCamp poshel na hui
@fernandorus96 WTF this supposed to mean!?
shut up, whiners. your pathetic words will not change anything. can mourn his beloved England and beyond
just…why? why would russia want the world cup game, if they don’t even participate?
btw; i’m not englisch, im dutch
@AlexHWalker .its not the english premier legaue, stop beign a retard. most of the players are not english and most of the ownes are not english, stop being so stupid.your shit little league would be niothing if you didnt have foriegn “corrupt”money funding it.idiot.
@10NouCamp .and?england fucking suck at it.also try and make a proper english league first instead of having majority arab/russian oil funding it and having foreign players dominating it you stuoid shit.
russia is gay…..England rules (im spanish!)
russia is gay…..England rules (im spanish!)
Why should this fat bastard French president vote on who should get the the toumenent! The English invented Football!
Why should this fat bastard French president vote on who should get the the toumenent! The English invented Football!
Why should this fat bastard French president vote on who should get the the toumenent! The English invented Football!
In soviet Russia World Cup hosts you
a disgrace!!!
I accept your welcome! Russia 2018, here I come!
Love from Germany
Welcome everybody to my city Sant-Petersburg!!!
How does Russia deserve a World Cup more than England? England has contributed massive amounts to world football, what is Russias contribution? We also had a better bid, and stadium already built! FIFA are a fucking joke.
I like Russia. Specially the women.
I can’t believe I didn’t notice before but the girl in the leapord print dress is the supermodel Natalia Vodianova, what is she doing there!? Yes I know she came from Russia, but are they using her beauty to lure in votes? Plus she is married to an English multi-millionaire viscount. Was he in the England camp?Do they argue about it now ha. Anyway Natalia is still class.
In soviet Russia, Football plays you!
Russia is always guilty.
Russians, just ignore American propaganda. You will not be rich or happy or whatever positive from listening to American propaganda. For Americans they won WW2, they have no racism, they have no poverty, they do not dictate to the whole world their “demo-crasy”, they are holy and Russians are EVIL :).
Just ignore. Live your life, enjoy the sun and grow children. Usually those are mad at Russia who are jealous.