North Korean overwhelmed by moment
A indicator of pure enjoy for your nation as Korean player Jong Tae-Se is triumph over with emotion just before kick off. He set in a great performance on the night and will be cherished by his fellow country guys for years to arrive.
Does he love his country? Or is he just contemplating the consequences of defeat?
u can almost see the red laser dot on his forehead from the sniper, mouthing the words score or your dead
@rubencitorobles fuck u homophobe
maybe he’s just crying because his dream of playing in a world cup has finally come true, people from certain countries take it for granted that their teams will be in a world cup, also you can love your country and hate your goverment , that is possible.
you fucking idiot this is jong tae se… a south korean born in japan… for some reason he played for north korea
0:10 – that is a kid!
@Elisathebestnumber01 HI! search google for a program called ”audacity”
Its a great little program that does so many cool things. Well worth a play because you can end up with a professional sound if you put the time in to practice!!
@chrispyrice Where can i find Music software?
Are those tears of love for the dear leader? Or are those tears of “I better win this game or the whacko is going to send me to a concentration camp”. . . Idk you decide.
Wtf is this like a north korean channel??
Praising a north korean??? Wooow
The Chosin people(North Koreans) were bullied by Japanese rightists and discriminated by Japanese government(SHAME on Japan a so called democracy)
Thats why Jong has a duty to save his brother sand sisters out of the Tyranny! Like Moses, in modern world, Jong fights for his people and he deserves an honour far more than the match itself!
Jong Tae-Se is a great person showing union in himself in a war torn country a man born in japan with a south korean citizenship playing for north korea it doesn’t matter where he has been or not the point is the message he is trying to convey
Love …huh
Love .. in a communist country where people be handled wors then pigs ??
Don`t believe that i ever more nonsens hear then this ..
Sound is from klingeling majtreya the anticrist boedda men the ” peace ” promoter..
There comes NEVER peace between the North and South Korea!.
That inspirited other people to watch from the ” free countiy ” because its a diffrent all over the world ..
he just realised they were against brazil
well what’s wrong about playing in japan but having a north-korean citizenship?:/ I read a few times that he doesn’t agree with the government and doesn’t consider himself a communist or capitalist. he just considers himself a north korean by culture but lives in japan. this isn’t too suprising because there’s a big community of koreans living in japan (zainichi), some of them are pro-north and others pro-south. communities have different names too but I don’t remember
i wrote S.Korea by mistake. i meant N.korea right?
is it true that the government blamed for betrayal and fired the trainer of this team who is now a worker? and all of the players except the 2 Japanese who ran away in japan, got public exposure? I’ ve also read that “The newspaper Tsosun Ilmpo claims that previously, when athletes and trainers of S. Korea failed in international events they the could be sent even in camps of concentration” it true?
It’s a little pathetic, Jong Tae-Se was born in Japan and has never been to North Korea…..
@lowryt21 He was born in Japan but chose to keep his ancestor’s natoinality “Korea”. Unfortunately S. Korea doesn’t allow dual citizenship and it is not practical to give a citizenship to someone who was born outside and never resided in S. Korea. So it was practically impossible to play for S. Korea. He also never resided in N. Korea. However, N. Korea FA saw a talent in Tae-se and convinced FIFA to allow him to play for N. Korea. His patriotic love & tears for his nation was for both Korea tho
@camilo0227 Korean follows father-side nationality and according to some documentary, his grand father was S. Korean so his father was also S. Korean although he was born in Japan. Tae-se also born in Japan but took his father’s nationality S. Korea. Japan doesn’t approve of nation called “North Korea”. Japan only approves of S. Korea and Jo-Sun which is a Korean Dynasty before Japanese control of Korea. So he was crying cuz..born in Japan, S.KR or Jo-Sun nationality but playing for N. KR.
commie fags
@lowryt21 the guy crying is commie