JAMES CORDEN (World Cup Shout song) and SIR PATRICK STEWART at Glamour Awards
tinyurl.com Glamour Ladies Of The 12 months Awards in London’s Mayfair on Tuesday JAMES CORDEN (England World Cup Shout song) and SIR PATRICK STEWART (Star Trek Enterprise) at Glamour Awards
The talentless ones always show their jealousy by acting disrespectful to other more talented actors. Look at the Brand phone call, the Peter Kay jibe at Liam Gallagher behind his BACK. And now this idiot standing all lazy and bored looking at the back. You just don’t do that infront of actors like PATRICK STEWART. He had to say something, or he would have known what was going on behind him and would have lost his temper.
James Corden is an imbecile
James Corden. what a dick.He is Russel Grant’s love child!Fuck knows how he gets on TV
Lots of people here have only seen this clip, out of context. If they saw the awards ceremony, they’d understand why Patrick said what he did. Corden was the most useless host I’ve ever seen, making the odd half-hearted cringeworthy joke and being silent throughout most of it. Stewart had every right to get pissed- he had to do ALL the work. Also, The Jonas Brothers joke was a reference to Corden saying how much he fancied the Jonas Brothers earlier on.
Corden is still only funny for being a fat cunt.
@jaskov1 hes a cool motherfucker who wrote gavin and stacey
@DaedalEVE Im not really sure he mustve thought corden was disrespectful or just had a bad day
@munchmaster92 Who the fuck is corden? I have never heard of him till I saw this video.
@makeupbeginner well said corden is a god of comedy
@popinjay3000 but heskey was in his day u twat corden is awseome
@jamie1000001 how does corden get given his jokes he write his own stuff like gavin and stacey for example
@Killerkomodo1 haha nice corden is way cooler and funnier and i see him being a bigger and better actor than stewart in the future
@jaskov1 corden is a fucking legend if anything james corden shouldve dropped that old motherfucker
Please tell me, because I really don’t get it. It’s like he just decided to attack the guy for no reason. I showed this to my GF and she was completely upset about it because she LOVED Patrick Stewart, and it completely shattered her view of him.
@DaedalEVE I didn’t get the JB punch line neither, too but I can relate to why Patrick might’ve been upset with Corden.
You DO realize that STUART started the shit correct? He’s the one who decided to be a holier-than-though twat, and mock someone else about their body on national television. If anyone deserved to have his face broken it was Stuart.
And WTF is this Jonas Bros BS he was going on about? It didn’t even make any sense!
I’m betting the bastard was pissed (drunk).
I don’t like either of them but Sir Patrick did needlessly make a complete twat of himself. I feel that Corden reacted quite well in the circumstances. As one or two audience members shouted, ‘Get on with it’. Present the award, accept the plaudits and walk off gracefully. Don’t make childish remarks.
Stewart, man, what are you doing?
@joshwashposh x-men is shit and so are his other films simple as
@munchmaster92 well firstly thats a silly thing to say, that Stewart is only famous for star trek. He’s had a very famous stage career as well as starring in other massive films such as the X men trilogy. Corden’s amazing movie career (Lesbian Vampire killers scored a massive 5.4 on IMDB) and bit parts in TV shows spanning back to 1997 shouldn’t go unnoticed, but this is why Stewart has been knighted and Corden hasn’t. Just look at it this way; Millions more people know who Patrick Stewart is
I do not understand this!!?? Its like the Raoul Moat facebook page! Patrick Stewart came up on stage and was rude. The crowd didn’t like it . Corden answered back lile most of us would. Stewart was unproffesional. What, are you all trekkies?
what a fukcin douche this corden guy is and i ve never even watched star trek. sir patrick shouldve fukcin smacked him in the face and broken his nose.
The bigger they come the harder they full…..both should have been so much better.
@assistantto007 patrick stewart got wer he is being an old cunt corden rules all
@joshwashposh yeah patrick stewart is famous for star trek and thats it but james corden is famous for many things u retard