Youoslavia did hardly make it to second round. They were not so good as people expected. Azizi was great. He is the best player Iran has seen a long time.
u r right!
its just a game ur fucking moron man
Serbia and Iran both hate USA, yeah !!!
by the way…one more thing, u watch too much CNN and BBC thing. I know this had nothing to do with this video…but when u said something about my country. Take a look at your country (Australia) together with USA who kills innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan every single day…for what?! Maybe u should just shut the fuck up, coz u ar the last person to comment anything about sport or politics.
I can’t stand people when they start talking bullshit about us. Predrag Mijatovic were second best player in Europe (1998) after Ronaldo. They named Yugoslavia as Brasil of Europe “only with serbs and montenegrin players… we had european champion in 1991 also. So many successful years…and now some moron @gomms who probably never saw soccer ball before WC in 2006 wants to talk about this game. Get a life and go and play cricket mate, u aren’t for this game.
u should GET A LIFE, learn some thing before u say anything stupid like that. u ar talking about team who were twice Olympic champions, twice in the final of euro championship. 3rd in World cup. It’s stupid to compare Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) with Iran. Get a life loser. Most of the players in yugo team were Serbs, and we made some history in European football u should get a book and read it about it.
iran totaly deserved to win tht game no doubt but y r u arguin
so? the players are still alive, the history of them playing is still there.
but once again, great argument on your part.
yes it does, because u said “dont try and make iran seem even close to comparing to yugoslavia”
when on the day iran played better, but was unlucky, and u say “dont compare to yugoslavia” where there is no such thing as yugoslavia, says alot for the soccer team
excellent argument, it has nothing to do with the actual soccer game.
well they may not be in the same league, but iran will always be iran, from 2000 years ago, to the future…
please tell me WHERE yugoslavia is on a map… ur country is a bunch of sick violent scum bags who tear that place apart…
where did u get these clips??
that was so gay it wasnt even a foul fukin ref
Thx gooshkoob.
Super film
Khodadad Azizi it’s my favourite Iranian player ;]
I remember,when he play 1.FC Koln.
I’m 17 years old and bad is my english
Sorry send Christmas greetings !
Ahmadreza Abedzade was injured. That’s why.
Brawo gooshkoob.
Mehdi Abedzadeh is better goaleeper than Nima Nakisa !
Why play Nakisa in match with Yugoslavia ?
Poland !
iran was far better, with theyr first keeper they probably wouldnt have gained that goal.. they shouldve scored a couple of times
like dont try and make iran seem even close to comparing to yugoslavia because they’re not even in the same league.
what are you talking about?
you’re saying you talked to the coach and you know yugo was scared? and then you try to compare a current team from one 10 years ago?
go away
i think that only 2 brother in this fucked up world are SERBIA AND IRAN!!!
muslim orthodox brothers YEEEAH!!!
Please do not make any racist comments and respect each other. I put it up for anyone who wanted to watch the game over only. Don’t want to make it sound like a moderated forum, but come on, it was just a game and that’s just history!
oh that was som bs
yogoslavia was scared to death in this match. They only had luck iran didnt score and we didnt have our first goalkeeper. Iran had like 50 chances Yogoslavia only about 10. I hope Iran and serbia will play sometime in the future then we will see. All though Iran came 23th in WC2006 Serbia got LAST 32th
Youoslavia did hardly make it to second round. They were not so good as people expected. Azizi was great. He is the best player Iran has seen a long time.
u r right!
its just a game ur fucking moron man
Serbia and Iran both hate USA, yeah !!!
by the way…one more thing, u watch too much CNN and BBC thing. I know this had nothing to do with this video…but when u said something about my country. Take a look at your country (Australia) together with USA who kills innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan every single day…for what?! Maybe u should just shut the fuck up, coz u ar the last person to comment anything about sport or politics.
I can’t stand people when they start talking bullshit about us. Predrag Mijatovic were second best player in Europe (1998) after Ronaldo. They named Yugoslavia as Brasil of Europe “only with serbs and montenegrin players… we had european champion in 1991 also. So many successful years…and now some moron @gomms who probably never saw soccer ball before WC in 2006 wants to talk about this game. Get a life and go and play cricket mate, u aren’t for this game.
u should GET A LIFE, learn some thing before u say anything stupid like that. u ar talking about team who were twice Olympic champions, twice in the final of euro championship. 3rd in World cup. It’s stupid to compare Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro) with Iran. Get a life loser. Most of the players in yugo team were Serbs, and we made some history in European football u should get a book and read it about it.
iran totaly deserved to win tht game no doubt but y r u arguin
so? the players are still alive, the history of them playing is still there.
but once again, great argument on your part.
yes it does, because u said “dont try and make iran seem even close to comparing to yugoslavia”
when on the day iran played better, but was unlucky, and u say “dont compare to yugoslavia” where there is no such thing as yugoslavia, says alot for the soccer team
excellent argument, it has nothing to do with the actual soccer game.
well they may not be in the same league, but iran will always be iran, from 2000 years ago, to the future…
please tell me WHERE yugoslavia is on a map… ur country is a bunch of sick violent scum bags who tear that place apart…
where did u get these clips??
that was so gay it wasnt even a foul fukin ref
Thx gooshkoob.

send Christmas greetings !
Super film
Khodadad Azizi it’s my favourite Iranian player ;]
I remember,when he play 1.FC Koln.
I’m 17 years old and bad is my english
Ahmadreza Abedzade was injured. That’s why.
Brawo gooshkoob.
Mehdi Abedzadeh is better goaleeper than Nima Nakisa !
Why play Nakisa in match with Yugoslavia ?
Poland !
iran was far better, with theyr first keeper they probably wouldnt have gained that goal.. they shouldve scored a couple of times
like dont try and make iran seem even close to comparing to yugoslavia because they’re not even in the same league.
what are you talking about?
you’re saying you talked to the coach and you know yugo was scared? and then you try to compare a current team from one 10 years ago?
go away
i think that only 2 brother in this fucked up world are SERBIA AND IRAN!!!
muslim orthodox brothers YEEEAH!!!
Please do not make any racist comments and respect each other. I put it up for anyone who wanted to watch the game over only. Don’t want to make it sound like a moderated forum, but come on, it was just a game and that’s just history!
oh that was som bs
yogoslavia was scared to death in this match. They only had luck iran didnt score and we didnt have our first goalkeeper. Iran had like 50 chances Yogoslavia only about 10. I hope Iran and serbia will play sometime in the future then we will see. All though Iran came 23th in WC2006 Serbia got LAST 32th