Germany vs England 4-1 World Cup 2010 All Goals
Germany vs England four-one Globe Cup 2010 All Ambitions NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENTED. ALL Proper RESERVED @ FIFA, SA DE CV
Germany vs England four-one Globe Cup 2010 All Ambitions NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENTED. ALL Proper RESERVED @ FIFA, SA DE CV
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english always come up with the fact that they won the war.
germans are over it but apparently english are bad losers.
I muted at 0:00
England always think when they get a new manager, its a new reckoning, and they win something, the real prob, is the infrastructure of English football, and the people who run the FA.
Apart from Trevor Brooking, the FA is ran by public school boys who know nothing about football, they should not be the ones who get to make the major decisions.
@craigyt1 I know Carragher why didn’t he get chosen or even Ryan Shawcross he is good.
True man, why he chose Upson i’ll never know theres so many better centrebacks in english football who deserve a chance
Why the fuck are the germans so bitter its only international we should hate other teams not nations , there still hating on us because we won the war which we have got over.
@craigyt1 Barry is shite glad liverpool never got him because rafa was a dickkhead and would have ended up paying 18 million for him ,,,, Hope it is those players next world cup but gary cahill is getting he is 25 now and next world cup is in 4 years so he will be 29.
@theliverboyss Im a liverpool fans and dirk is shit all’s he does is work hard otherwise he wouldnt even be a professional i like him because he works hard but he is not world class sorry mate
They won one match… we won the war!
@Birchmasta26 HA! funny…try from the mouth of a brazilian you douchebag
@steikki haha it made me come hear for the fourth goal
True I guess… maybe that goal would have snapped us back to our 2002 form. Something’s been wrong with English football since then.
i’m english(shame to say)but 3 things i like to see.a pretty girl nicely dressed,a nice pint of beer(especially after a shit day at work) and the england football team win FUCK ALL.HA HA .ONLY ’66,ONLY’66.
@jimmyboyG485 yeah but the game would have changed
Yeah, we would have lost… but still, we deserved that second goal. 4-2 doesn’t sound half as bad as 4-1.
I laugh at the English people who are saying that Holland is violence. Look at all our players and look at yours. Al least, we made it to the final.
What would arsenal be without van persie? Liverpool without Kuyt right now? Manchester’s van der sar. Stekelenburg, who’ll follow up van der sar.
Robben made munchen winning.
I know spain is better, but we’ve got class players. Only our defend is quite shit.
@evropekon Bullshit thats an opinion that england wouldnt have scored a third the fact is they should have been 2-2 if that goal had of counted then its an entirly different game . Engalnd dont come out in hte second half feeling like the worlds against them for a start
i liked englands 2nd goal ?
@evropekon from the mouth of a german
be shure…thats hard i know but its real.
@Fospherous do you know wats reli sad? morons who come on youtube and write essays about totally irrelevant things. You dont look smart (even with the correct grammar and punctuation) you just look like you got nothing else to do…
thumbs up if joey barton’s comment about gareth barry brought you here
I’ll never get tired of watching this.
@thegranddilligaf Yes, it’s unfortunate… what’s even more unfortunate is that excuses has spread to other countries too…
Ireland: “Henry cheated, that’s why we didn’t qualify” blah blah blah, just shut up, you were never going to win.
Scotland: “The Italy-game was a fix, the ref was Spanish; UEFA conspiracy to make big teams qualify” – blah blah blah, a tournament with Scotland would be boring!
Mexico: “The offside goal ruined us” blah blah blah, Argentina were always going to win
etc etc
At was a 50-50 game in terms of possession and shots, Germany played counter attack football, and beat us in many aspects such as pace, thats why we got beat fair and square.