Freestyle football World Final is coming to Cape Town!

The Red Bull Street Style World Final will take place in front of the seventeenth-century Castle of Good Hope, South Africas oldest surviving building, in the shadow of the iconic Table Mountain and just a stones throw from the Cape Town Stadium that will host the 2010 FIFA World Cup. As the last few national qualifying tournaments are held across the globe, no fewer than 56 countries have already elected their representative to fly the flag in South Africa just months before the 2010 FIFA World Cup kicks off. Indeed, when it comes to the number of countries involved there is no comparison with Red Bull Street Style at the World Final almost twice as many nations as at other football tournaments will send their finest to battle it out head-to-head for the title.
watch and comment my new funny freestyle video
thank you
Nah I dont think there ready
kamalio is best
i am going to start rolling every single one of my “r”s
0:15 a guy flips off the camera
Prenez le titre!!!
Bon courage
LETS GO FX !!!!!!!!!
everybody are ready!!
he should have trapped it before it hit the ground.
Redbull street style
what an ass hole he totally launches the ball far away when the other dude is standing right beside him!!!wtf..and yes they are totally positively with thumbs up ready!!!
0:15 secs in a guy flips of the camera in the truck lol
Ready or not it’s going to began!
@tiptop03 damn!!! nice catch!!!
nice editing!
name sound please
@mundi18 get out of here
@frenchieamelia yes i think so
very nice skills
wasn’t a very exciting promotional video, bad marketing!
do you think there ready?
Apparently there ready.