What does it matter Spain would crush them anyway
Fucking ridiculous.
Roro dimi
Ok I will not.
Rocco siffredi
crache pas dessus, c’est du langage utile, des “active words” .
Even if that goal did count which it should of and it was 2-2 and we went on to win the game we wouldn’t have won the tournament. It just shows that FIFA is corrupt UEFA is corrupt and its affecting the sport. This is the most popular sport in the world yet we have sports like Cricket and Tennis with excellent technology. It’s all good them saying we will have goal line technology next year we need it now. What happens in the qualifications if this happens?
Roro dimi
Ah ah 9gag c’est pas non plus le meilleur pour cela , c’est de l’anglais très facile ^^ Je vais essayer de m’acheter un livre en anglais. (roman.)
Rocco siffredi
dans ce cas le truc chiant : lire des bouquins en anglais!
mais deja si tu vas sur 9gag tous les jours ton niveau va grimper en fleche!
Roro dimi
Je regarde mes films et mes séries en VO depuis très longtemps déjà. En fait , sans me vanter, mon oral est presque parfait , je n’ai aucunes difficulté a tenir une conversation mais c’est mon écrit qui penche un peu.
Rocco siffredi
ben tu sais ce qui te reste a faire! films et series en VO, lecture des livrets de tes cds ( oui ca se vend encore )
Roro dimi
A ba si il y a du pâté. Mais arrête de me frapper à chaque fois que je fais une faute que ce soit en anglais ou en français aussi :/
Roro dimi
Ba moi aussi mais bon :/
Rocco siffredi
je t’aime.
Roro dimi
Je t’intéresse autant pour que tu puisse me répondre sur tous mes commentaires ?
You’re not a soccer player, you don’t know what is going on mentally in a player’s head. It’s even worse that there was a bad call against them, which tends to screw up the way athletes play in general.
thanks to this mishap FIFA will now use technology in the world cup
Andy Peterson
“I don’t know if Wayne Rooney’s been fishing”
lol very poor attemp
people like you do not deserve the term trolls
but mere goblin
the ones that get killed on the first scene on lotr by a tree
if you get my drift
Ian sp
nah Germany were clinical throughout, all goals scored were slotted in the back of the net. England disallowed goal bounced back out the net and was always at risk of being disallowed. England could of only win due to a freak turn of events
Rocco siffredi
a SHITTY country, tete de noeud.
lol cause the rules a football say that england cant lose in the world cup fair and square right????
2:36 Wayne Rooney’s been fishing LOL
When that ref shakes his head at Rooney….wouldn’t you just want to land one on him?!
What does it matter Spain would crush them anyway
Fucking ridiculous.
Ok I will not.
crache pas dessus, c’est du langage utile, des “active words” .
Even if that goal did count which it should of and it was 2-2 and we went on to win the game we wouldn’t have won the tournament. It just shows that FIFA is corrupt UEFA is corrupt and its affecting the sport. This is the most popular sport in the world yet we have sports like Cricket and Tennis with excellent technology. It’s all good them saying we will have goal line technology next year we need it now. What happens in the qualifications if this happens?
Ah ah 9gag c’est pas non plus le meilleur pour cela , c’est de l’anglais très facile ^^ Je vais essayer de m’acheter un livre en anglais. (roman.)
dans ce cas le truc chiant : lire des bouquins en anglais!
mais deja si tu vas sur 9gag tous les jours ton niveau va grimper en fleche!
Je regarde mes films et mes séries en VO depuis très longtemps déjà. En fait , sans me vanter, mon oral est presque parfait , je n’ai aucunes difficulté a tenir une conversation mais c’est mon écrit qui penche un peu.
ben tu sais ce qui te reste a faire! films et series en VO, lecture des livrets de tes cds ( oui ca se vend encore )
A ba si il y a du pâté. Mais arrête de me frapper à chaque fois que je fais une faute que ce soit en anglais ou en français aussi :/
Ba moi aussi mais bon :/
je t’aime.
Je t’intéresse autant pour que tu puisse me répondre sur tous mes commentaires ?
You’re not a soccer player, you don’t know what is going on mentally in a player’s head. It’s even worse that there was a bad call against them, which tends to screw up the way athletes play in general.
thanks to this mishap FIFA will now use technology in the world cup
“I don’t know if Wayne Rooney’s been fishing”
lol very poor attemp
people like you do not deserve the term trolls
but mere goblin
the ones that get killed on the first scene on lotr by a tree
if you get my drift
nah Germany were clinical throughout, all goals scored were slotted in the back of the net. England disallowed goal bounced back out the net and was always at risk of being disallowed. England could of only win due to a freak turn of events
a SHITTY country, tete de noeud.
lol cause the rules a football say that england cant lose in the world cup fair and square right????
2:36 Wayne Rooney’s been fishing LOL
When that ref shakes his head at Rooney….wouldn’t you just want to land one on him?!