Bungee jump kayaking in 2010 World Cup Stadium – Steve Fisher

Although Moses Mabhida stadium is in its final preparing phases for the 2010 FIFA Entire world Cup, kayaker Steve Fisher determined to check out a new activity 300 ft (a hundred meters) above the quickly to be soccer subject. Why a kayak? Simple: Steve Fisher is kayaking AT ALL Instances. Leap off at RedBull.com
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@FreshlySqueezzed Probably, there is a combination of letters wich makes it not worth while to make the jump without kayak. Or maybe it’s just the redbull?
biggist air blunt ever
it’s not bungee jump, but swing jump. Such a mistake, that you did not know the names.
lol at 1:36 the guys working on the field are just ignoring him
thats so random lol, whose idea was it to create a massize kayak swing? too much time on thier hands…
where is the camera on te nose? xD
i think he did it 2 or 3 thimes
see my video..
There is more amazing video than mine?
@FreshlySqueezzed why not he is like one of the best
@FreshlySqueezzed “Why a kayak? Simple: Steve Fisher is kayaking AT ALL TIMES.”
@seadoolover360 he said that was legend
This video is so cool!!!, durban’s stadium is the most beautiful of the world cup!!!
this video is so cool!!!, durban’s stadium is the most beautiful of the world cup!!!
@seadoolover At the end he says ” That was legend “
@seadoolover At the end he says ” that was legend “
hahah at the end he goes: that was ligit!
back to start point… wow
just wandering if the intensity is the same in a kayak?
@FreshlySqueezzed badassness factor, off course
what a crazy man !
@FreshlySqueezzed 10x more badass lol
talk about crazy.
OMG!!! This guy is CRAZY!!!
Steve fisher is a ledgend!!
@JohnFinnigan1 he is a professional kayaker.. its just a stunt…