Bristol 2018 Football World Cup – Come and Play!
Seize the probability, appreciate the experience and tell the world – Come and play in Bristol at the England 2018 football entire world cup. – support Bristol, register your vote now and show the planet we want it…
Video clip Rating: four / five
this is shit – plymouth’s one is MUCH better !! What a shithole bristol is.
this animation does look magical, and im a different red,
How do you feel now that the Mail on Sunday have fucked it up for you?
30,000 would be awesome,
42,000 would be a dream
a proud time to be a bristol city fan <3
BCFC t i f d !
8 years isn’t going to get a good airport, a new rail link and motorway :p
As for Plymouth being more scenic and more to do – you HAVE to be joking, right? I’d like to see a list compare to SS Great Britain, Suspension Bridge, Cabot Tower, The Matthew, Arnolfini, Royal Academy, Old Vic, Cathedral, College Green and the neighbouring areas such as Bath, Wells, Cheddar, Tetbury etc.
Anyway, both cities are in the England bid and that’s all that matters
Let’s win it for England! 
Well done lads Bristol and Plymouth getting it ahead of the fucking shitholes Hull, Leicster and Derby.
It’s not really funny is it?
I’ve lived in both Plymouth and Bristol (plymouth at the mo) and Plymouth is a far more scenic city, stadiums in a way better location and theres a lot more to see and do in the area. Regarding the international airport and transport links, a lot can change in 8 years.
PAFC – not realistic? Err…why? A far bigger city and in a far better location than Plymouth who is, I assume who you would like.
O, oioijake, one more thing – it does show the plans for the stadium which have a “minded to approve” on them and are ready to go. I haven’t seen anything from Plymouth yet. Do they have them yet and have they made them public or not?
Cheers gents. All the best. Perhaps there will be two host cities in the West
Plymouth more practical? No motorway, no international airport (in fact the closest would be…err..Bristol!) and a train station that is hours away from any major city (even from Exeter it takes as long to get to Plymouth as it does Bristol).
The video gives just a tiny preview of the fan-fest sites and stadium.
As for “a range of England”…well except that Plymouth can be reached easily by people from…errr..Plymouth. While Bristol will be easy for fans coming from all 4 directions.
Its a good video But not realistic for bristol.
I beleive Plymouth would be more practical. Yeh youve got a flashy video but Plymouths plans are more realistic. What does this video really explain? Nothing. Plus holding the world cup in Plymouth gives more of a range of England where as Bristol might as well be in Wales.
Cheers man, always had a soft spot for Donny Rovers!
I would shit my pants if the world cup was held in Bristol.
Its Bristol for me, Plymouth is quite nice but I dont know if the Navy boys welcome for traveling fans is very good.
A night out and a good kicking, thats what Plymouth can offer the cream of World Football.
LMAO at all the people thinking Plymouth would be better.
Plymouth all the way.
Na even though I lives up ere now Bristol is a shithole, Plymouth’s gotta get the bid, Bristol’s just a welsh suberb, it’s not really the westcountry is it?
plymouth would be better
Not a bristol city or rovers fan, but would defo give support to this, Bristol away was allways good fun comming from Doncaster, spent the night there allways. Good fans Bristol City, this would be a great thing to happen
Wow – that does look good.
Come on You Reds …. Hell ye bristol all the way!
The animation is truly magical.
Hope in reality it turns out to be somewhere close:)
C’mon we deserve this
Come on Bristol, show your support.