@SeftonRiotSquadLfc If only the rest of you guys were like the Scouce.There would not be all the nastyness between our supporters every night.Just a shame the King was not there at the start of the year.He has beat Chelsea and Man Utd.Makes you wonder what would have happened and were they would be.If he was there to start with.Dont know why Hodgeson got the job.Taking Fulham to the Ueafa cup final was hardly a great acheivment.They spent more on wage than any of there oponents getting there.
I’ll always have respect for scotland.. You gave us Bill Shankly..
Thank you From a Liverpool fan and proud scouser..
us scots we are amazing ….go on urself big man !!!
bringing the spain game! n. ireland was class someone had to lose but by 3! thats the team scotland wants and Has finally
fucking beautiful!!
@michaelUNITEDKINGDOM Fuck off you fuckin Engaylish loving cunt! And stop polluting Scottish videos with Engaylish arse licking antics! You’re a fucking embarrassment to real Scots (those who really care about Scotland).
You’re either Engaylish in disguise or a die hard dirty stinking auld fashioned unionist cunt! You’re unionist breed are diying out.
Now Fuck off (back to (if you are a pom)) to Engayland!
@legandrydirk couldnt have said it better myself, well done that man
7people dont like martin luther king :O
i love this song. i rem buying it wen i was 10
I remember when this was released. I’m Welsh but still bought the 7″ =)
@uavetheface yeah i just did a shit aswell it was the spitting image of england but their was a difference the shit looked and smelt better!!
@troddsy Well said I agree with you.It might not get better over night.But it will in the end.It is for the greater good.Just dont like how they try to tell us,we are hanging on to there coat tails down there.When its the other way around.It would not get any worse anyway.Not according to noble prize winning econominist Josepth Stiglits anyway,who says Scotland can be in full fiscal autonomy.The unionists have not proved any of them wrong so far.IE,the others who started the work,Hellet and Scot
thats brulliant
can only see SNP as the final option and no,problems wont vanish overnight should they really exist in scotland but if they Do,and you seperate finally from that Unclean hand of Eng. thats been robbing you blind and offering a SMILE in exchange why shouldnt things look up finally? especially if its in Your Hands not Downing St. they have fiscal figures to prove otherwise but take a look Closer..imagine that oil/energy money flowing Back into your Own country instead…eng. govt is a Fiscal enemy
@zzllen As long as you go to our games.I dont care what side of the boarder you were born on.What makes you Scottish,is in your heart and soul.Just take a look at Rod Stewart.
Does that count for me to ? as i am half Scottisch and lived in Scotland for three years
I can’t think of a better football song, tbfh.
@MrScottishJamie 7 English hate this song.But hey they might be Welsh,and remember Joe Jordan
@uavethe face there’s a scottish poem about the day god made scotland .st. peter asked him why he gave us such beautiful scenery etc…god replied ..just wait til u see the neighbours iv given them …aye u english …we have paid the price for our beautiful nation by having engurland stuck to us through nature NOT choice
@scottishjamie we have a dream and if dreams come true then bonnie scotland we’ll vote for you ….and bonnie scotland we will be free
@uavetheface fuck off you fucking cunt, get of my countries video dumbass!!
@Sandshoe218 I am not english, what makes you think that? im scottish born and bred, 15 years old and I live in Troon,South Ayrshire. Why did you think I was English.
@michaelUNITEDKINGDOM Sorry but the scottish catchphrase is ENGLISH BASTARTS! dont blame us its in our blood to hate you posh pricks
@SeftonRiotSquadLfc If only the rest of you guys were like the Scouce.There would not be all the nastyness between our supporters every night.Just a shame the King was not there at the start of the year.He has beat Chelsea and Man Utd.Makes you wonder what would have happened and were they would be.If he was there to start with.Dont know why Hodgeson got the job.Taking Fulham to the Ueafa cup final was hardly a great acheivment.They spent more on wage than any of there oponents getting there.
I’ll always have respect for scotland.. You gave us Bill Shankly..
Thank you From a Liverpool fan and proud scouser..
us scots we are amazing ….go on urself big man !!!
bringing the spain game! n. ireland was class someone had to lose but by 3! thats the team scotland wants and Has finally
fucking beautiful!!
@michaelUNITEDKINGDOM Fuck off you fuckin Engaylish loving cunt! And stop polluting Scottish videos with Engaylish arse licking antics! You’re a fucking embarrassment to real Scots (those who really care about Scotland).
You’re either Engaylish in disguise or a die hard dirty stinking auld fashioned unionist cunt! You’re unionist breed are diying out.
Now Fuck off (back to (if you are a pom)) to Engayland!
@legandrydirk couldnt have said it better myself, well done that man
7people dont like martin luther king :O
i love this song. i rem buying it wen i was 10
I remember when this was released. I’m Welsh but still bought the 7″ =)
@uavetheface yeah i just did a shit aswell it was the spitting image of england but their was a difference the shit looked and smelt better!!
@troddsy Well said I agree with you.It might not get better over night.But it will in the end.It is for the greater good.Just dont like how they try to tell us,we are hanging on to there coat tails down there.When its the other way around.It would not get any worse anyway.Not according to noble prize winning econominist Josepth Stiglits anyway,who says Scotland can be in full fiscal autonomy.The unionists have not proved any of them wrong so far.IE,the others who started the work,Hellet and Scot
thats brulliant
can only see SNP as the final option and no,problems wont vanish overnight should they really exist in scotland but if they Do,and you seperate finally from that Unclean hand of Eng. thats been robbing you blind and offering a SMILE in exchange why shouldnt things look up finally? especially if its in Your Hands not Downing St. they have fiscal figures to prove otherwise but take a look Closer..imagine that oil/energy money flowing Back into your Own country instead…eng. govt is a Fiscal enemy
@zzllen As long as you go to our games.I dont care what side of the boarder you were born on.What makes you Scottish,is in your heart and soul.Just take a look at Rod Stewart.
Does that count for me to ? as i am half Scottisch and lived in Scotland for three years
I can’t think of a better football song, tbfh.
@MrScottishJamie 7 English hate this song.But hey they might be Welsh,and remember Joe Jordan
@uavethe face there’s a scottish poem about the day god made scotland .st. peter asked him why he gave us such beautiful scenery etc…god replied ..just wait til u see the neighbours iv given them …aye u english …we have paid the price for our beautiful nation by having engurland stuck to us through nature NOT choice
@scottishjamie we have a dream and if dreams come true then bonnie scotland we’ll vote for you ….and bonnie scotland we will be free
@uavetheface fuck off you fucking cunt, get of my countries video dumbass!!
@Sandshoe218 I am not english, what makes you think that? im scottish born and bred, 15 years old and I live in Troon,South Ayrshire. Why did you think I was English.
@michaelUNITEDKINGDOM Sorry but the scottish catchphrase is ENGLISH BASTARTS! dont blame us its in our blood to hate you posh pricks
@7Dragonballs666 True that mate!