Arrivals of Mexico, South Korea and France for the football World Cup – no comment
Arrivals of the staff of Mexico, South Korea and France in Johannesburg…. No Comment | euronews: check out the international news without having commentary |
1:34 Henry with the Dre beats lol.
lol nice joke at the end xD
henry and his magic hands xD
@megamarsvin I think that applies to pretty much every YouTube video, football-related or not, unfortunately.
fuck u soccer ^^ aha
You can tell this is a video about soccer by the immature, aggressive comments ^^
little dick & virgin unfortunatly for me Henry is not my cousin
(I would love thatt !! ^^
But whose I am sure it is that you are just a little guy very complexed who try to figth vs its complexes by an ultra racism lol
However the only shit of Humanity we see here it is you of course
@cumbas hej adolf calm the fuck down .. your cousin started this shit
blah blah blah blah…
change your eternal music little dick…
@realAlienPatriot lol are you on crack ..? did you take the short bus to school ..? you wore a helmet too dident you..
mexico arrives with lufthansa, very good
@marekmazurkiewicz this is nocommenttv BITCH, you should be commenting and start a meaningless debate
just watch and enjoy
isnt it enough ? damn BITCHES
henry is a bitch .. dont come to the mls you fucking suck…butt you can go to the nfl you have good hands…