Serbia ALL 22 GOALS World Cup 2010 Qualifiers
All 22 ambitions Serbia – Group 7 SONG: 357 – JEDNA JE SRBIJA Serbia 10 seven 1 two 22 eight +14 22 France 10 6 3 one eighteen nine +nine 21 Austria 10 four two 4 14 15 −1 14 Lithuania 10 four 6 10 11 −1 12 Romania ten 3 3 4 12 eighteen −6 12 Faroe Islands ten 1 1 8 five 20 −15 four Serbia2: (one:)Faroe Islands France2:one (:)Serbia Serbia3: (2:)Lithuania Austria1:three (:3)Serbia Romania2:3 (:two)Serbia Serbia1: (one:)Austria Faroe Islands0:2 (:one)Serbia Serbia1:one (1:1)France Serbia5: (one:)Romania Lithuania2:one (one:)Serbia
zigic car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kao zirafa
Jedan je Milos Krasic
Serbia is a team who sweeps all along the qualifiers but it’s pathetic in the world cups.
2006: 0-1 against Nederlans, a pityfull 0-6 against Argentina and an unbelievable game lost against Ivory Coast.
2010: 0-1 against Ghana, lucky victory against the germans and beat by the team you called shit but they were close to be 3-0 against you besides the fact that you’re goal was because of Schwarzer’s slippery hands and the only good thing Pantelic made in the WC.
@tdubyatbone and? australia is a shit team who conceded 4 goals from germany which we beat 1-0
@tdubyatbone Vidic Jumped out of the way for the 2nd goal 🙁
Shall we make a DVD?
@gigibuffonitalian It’s I dot between Europe and USA but closer to Europe
Puno gola srbija pozstize glavom 😀
@gigibuffonitalian north from england somewhere in the middle of england and iceland 🙂
its too bad that serbia got WHIPPED BY AUSTRALIA! thats all i got to say.
Podrzite radomira antica!!!
i cant understand where can i spot Farce islands in the world atlas…
Svaka cast na video.
Bas su igrali dobro u qualifying
They did amazing in the qualifiers but it disappoints me the didn’t make it farther
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from Serbia, it’s that we cannot take their qualifying campaigns seriously anymore!
Posle puno decenija Srbija opet ima Srpski tim u SP. To je samo po svoje uspeh, kamoli da smo Svabe maznuli! Nismo imali puno srece u dve utakmice, ali mislim da je bilo puno promena u spicu. Treba izabrati naj bolje i drzati ih zajedno u istoj kombinaciji da se uigraju. Bice drugi put, i mislim da cemo opet kvalifikovati, jer imamo dosta dobri mladi igrace. Poz.
Too bad they can’t perform at world cups, and it was a handball you $%#% ref!!!
Sad nam sve uz kurac :(((
Momci su odlicno igrali kvalifikacije, ali sta da se radi, nismo iskoristili sanse protiv Australije, jebiga. Sta da se radi, i to je fudbal, valjda ce malo da se trgnu nakon svega ovoga. Samo napred
jebes sad ovo kad smo pukli od australije…
@MsMrBlackman Ispusili smo od kengura, nasa reprezentacija nema veze sa zivotom, jebem li im svima mrtvu mater, jos i onaj sudija odvratni slepi ne zna gde je kad nije video ono rukom dabogda zauvek ostao slep da ne vidi vise ruku ispred glave jebem li mu decu krvavu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
palili smo hitlera sutra ce mo kengura..ajmo sada swi..
krasicev go za najbolji go kvalifikacija !!!!!!!!!!!!!!