2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa Review
2010 FIFA Planet Cup South Africa is a sport that, despite its unattractive identify, does a excellent job of presenting some of the exact same wonderful soccer motion that we noticed from FIFA 10, but now attributes a nutritious dose of Entire world Cup flair.
Video Rating: 4 / 5
@blackflame100 This one. This is maybe the best football game ever if u ask me
one paul the octopus RIP
Have they cut out the BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ that FIFA loved so much during the actuall world cup.
@blackflame100 this one is better than fifa 10 and 11
man i hate ads
brazil 2014 it’s going to be the best world cup game ever! BRASIL!
dumbest thing about this game, the world cup playe din south africa was in winter!!!
@blackflame100 this
2:36 – 2:39 damn fukin rght im still pissed xD
1:24 pure reallity
So which one is better? FIFA 10 or this one? …
This game is my fav soccer game in a console
@xxxWeezy619xxx why did it die ?
@007SleepyHollow fuck you bitch!!!
Best World Cup Game!!!!
@delvinbhoy a news thing said that pepole were thearting to eat him
@choasshadowsvenom old age i tink :/
@delvinbhoy how
@choasshadowsvenom he died
@xxxWeezy619xxx what happind to him?
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@lebron23mvp1 Yeah, you can.
@TheEpicBlackOpsVids yes fifa 11 does have country teams.
can you edit the players in this game?? please answer
@kayfparts FIFA 10